All of Dr. Mark’s  Organic Jams, Jellies, Preserves and Pickeled/Fermented products are 100% organic, contain no preservatives and are all Non-GMO.

I fell into doing this totally by accident. I found Canning Preserves, Pickling and Lacto-fermantation of Sauerkraut and other vegetables was rewarding, saved money and tasted great too! I didn’t  start with water bath canning either.

I was “prepping for a bit” during COVID as many people did.  First,  I learned to successfully and consistently grow micro-greens in a homegrown rack. Then I started filling the pantry. As most of us do, I started with rice, beans, tuna, salmon  etc… I realized then how expensive “store-bought“ products were. So I bought a dehydrator and started making beef jerky, fruit leather, dried fruit and vacuum sealing it. My daughter loved my fruit leather and other products and she started taking them to school as snacks…

Looking at the price of packaged  fruits and vegetables and MRE’s and found them to be to expensive, full of preservatives and quite frankly, they tasted less then desirable.

 I then started water bath canning products like  fruits,  jams,  preserves etc.which started me down the path to learn pickling both “quick pickling “ and lacto-fermentation for other vegetables and  sauerkraut.

 For me, it was a lot of fun, I learned new stuff,  and I really could successfully do this and save a few bucks also!  People raved about what I made also! A bit of an accomplishment and I believe today we have about 6 months of food in our pantry.

My stepdaughter sells organic sourdough bread  at the farmers market in and around Las Vegas, Nevada,. I would be the one to take her  to, and pick her up from, the different markets , help her setup/teardown and pack up. I noticed there were a lot of vendors and at most places there was no one selling pickled products and preserves, jams and jellies .

So I studied and successfully passed  the test for a “Craft License” which allows me to make package, and sell these product types at Farmers Market’s in and around Las Vegas .

So… to make a long story short my stepdaughter is now selling Dr. Mark’s Organic products in her “Just  Knead it” booth.

All of our products are Organic, non-GMO and free of any and all preservatives and chemicals.

Dr. Mark

P.S.   Try a few of our products and you will see and taste the quality  and the difference !



Dr. Mark E. Lipp Ph.D.